A Technology
Think Tank

Providing Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

About Crazy Raccoons

We started our technology think tank in just that – the original Crazy Raccoons think tank. Founded in 2014, Crazy Raccoons has been governed by a central brand word since day one: simplicity. Every project we begin is developed to solve a real problem because, to paraphrase Plato, necessity is the mother of invention. In fact, taking it one step further at Crazy Raccoons we argue necessity should be the only mother of invention. Because for us, it’s only when a product is simple, functional and useful that it can truly be successful.

Our Work

At Crazy Raccoons, we’re into everything but here are some of the projects we’re working on now to resolve some of life’s biggest problems with our simple solutions.

The Raccoons

While we may be Crazy Raccoons, we do have a team of human experts on hand to bring each vision from the think tank to real life with the help of cutting edge technology. See the role each member of our experienced team covers, and just what makes them a little bit crazy.

Contact Us

For all inquires, contact our Agency of record InnoVision Marketing Group

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Office Location

5961 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, 92123